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The Π pad (pi pad) is a specific type of attenuator circuit in electronics whereby the topology of the circuit is formed in the shape of the Greek capital letter pi (Π).
Attenuators are used in electronics to reduce the level of a signal. They are also referred to as pads due to their effect of padding down a signal by analogy with acoustics. Attenuators have a flat frequency response attenuating all frequencies equally in the band they are intended to operate. The attenuator has the opposite task of an amplifier. The topology of an attenuator circuit will usually follow one of the simple filter sections. However, there is no need for more complex circuitry, as there is with filters, due to the simplicity of the frequency response required.
Circuits are required to be balanced or unbalanced depending on the geometry of the transmission lines they are to be used with. For radio frequency applications, the format is often unbalanced, such as coaxial. For audio and telecommunications, balanced circuits are usually required, such as with the twisted pair format. The Π pad is intrinsically an unbalanced circuit. However, it can be converted to a balanced circuit by placing half the series resistance in the return path. Such a circuit is called a box section because the circuit is formed in the shape of a box.